Sunday, July 11, 2010

First Tomato!

Ah, yes. Despite a cool spring, I tasted my first garden tomato yesterday: a small cherry tomato called a "Super Sweet 100." Not great, but it was the first, so I probably picked it too early.

This year, I decided to plant common commercial varieties as well as heirlooms for a grand "tomato smackdown." I wanted to see how, when grown in the same soil and under the same conditions, the heirlooms really match up.

So, in addition to last year's favorites--Cherokee Purple, Black from Tula, and the Chadwick Cherry--I've planted Early Girl, Better Boy, and Super Sweet 100s, plus some new heirloom varieties--Black Krim and Juane Flamme.

Most of those are coming on fast, so it won't be long until we're in tomato heaven. Bring it on!

1 comment:

jennie said...

Our first was also terribly anti-climactic. Is there something to the fact that the first seem to sit on the vine for much longer than later tomatoes? The stuff we're getting now is scrumptious, and we're delighted. Keep us posted on this year's favorites!