Thursday, December 4, 2008

Small Town Diner

Today I took my son to a diner in the small town where I was born, the kind where the waitresses still take and deliver your order at the car if you turn your lights on. We chose to go inside instead, and sat on round stools at the main counter (you know the kind). We ordered hamburgers and milkshakes and toyed with the old juke box as a few late season flies buzzed slowly around the room.

The food came in due time. My burger was decent, the fries overcooked, and the shake wasn’t chocolately enough, but it all somehow tasted better because it reminded me of home, and family, and the carefree days of childhood.

(Photo courtesy of fotoedge on Flickr; available at:


Jenn said...

That sounds like so much fun. I love to see the things from older times. It does remind me from my childhood, and when things were simple! Good for you!

jennie said...

Is this the place I'm thinking it is? If so, totally envious. Next time you go get a chocolate shake and think of me!