Sunday, January 4, 2009

Seven Kids

So, we've been watching my sister-in-law's four kids for the past several days, leaving us with seven kids age twelve and younger. Yesterday I had six of them by myself for about three hours, and let me tell you, I gained a new appreciation for my parents, who raised eight, and other big families.

The whole thing was kind of a blur of runny noses, struggling with car seats, chasing toddlers around, cleaning up messes, and general chaos—-like bussing tables or making pizzas during the evening slam, only more hectic and with a significantly higher “ick” factor. Yesterday at its worst I thought, "Well, at least my parents' kids were more spread out." But they weren't. After doing the math, I realized that my parents matched or bettered that, particularly in terms of the all-important “number of kids in diapers” calculus. Good on ya, Mom and Dad! Let’s just say I gained a new appreciation for any overwrought parent tempted to run into the master bedroom, lock the door, turn out the lights, and hide in a corner (assuming one has a master bedroom with a lock that works).

While all that has left little time for reflection, it hasn’t been all bad, and I’ve been reminded of an important life lesson: the most worthwhile things in life require the greatest effort. Kids are, perhaps, the greatest proof of that.

(Photo courtesy of my niece, Grace, age three: a real character.)


Jenn said...

I love it!!! Thank you, foputting up with my kids. I bet you were so glad to have your family back! Thank you, Thank you!!!!!

jennie said...

Anytime I feel overwhelmed I think of mom and dad. There are days when I don't feel like my own person anymore, just a food source / street sweeper. Sometimes I wonder if the intense hobbies mom picked up in the middle of all the mayhem weren't desperate (yet very successful) attempts at retaining her identity...